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living the WEB3 REVOLUTION
in Rio de Janeiro. 

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[Our Classified Plans]

DON'T tell it anyone.

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No ready-to-eat packages:

Rio Frenz is being built in front of your eyes

and based on the expectations of the public.


Check here for a summary of everything!

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5 characters in Rio's mood

[and inspired by you!]

living pocket stories

as crazy as only Web3 can be.


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WEB3 CULTURE all over the WORLD.

FREE for use with your logo

and in your business' KEYNOTES.


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Amazing guests 

making a stink on Web3 stuff



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ORIGINALS: Our original cartoons.

FOLKS: One character auctioned every day.

LEGENDS: Creators of Web3 Culture

become Rio Frenz characters.


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Merchs and More

Merchs and More


Merchandise for BEACH Fashion and WEB3 Fashion?

You can't even imagine what we are preparing for Rio Frenz IRL.


But this part, we'll keep it a real secret for now.  🥰

RFZ - Merchs - Books en
RFZ - Merchs - Party en
RFZ - Merchs - Animação en
RFZ - Goodeis - Metaverso EN
RFZ - Merchs - VR en
RFZ - Goodeis - Bonecos EN
RFZ - Merchs - Havaianas en

Web3 for Dumbs

Web3 for Dumbs

For those who do not know and would like to, and for those who already know and want to have fun,

all things on Web3 with awesome mood and in-depth.


All cleared  in the most terrible way because that's how you understand.

Making Frenz

Making Frenz

If you already know Web3 and are looking for a denser analysis from the Build

with real experience in developing a Web3 Culture project

our Making Frenz selection is for you. Check out the latest posts:

Sign up for our newsletter!
01 email per week maximum. 

Welcome to Galera!

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Who the F*ck?

Who the F*ck?

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Rio Frenz was created and is being developed by Cartoonista.ETH

a Visual Artist with 20 years on the road in Marketing

and Entrepreneurial Culture.

He runs on Discord, and soon we'll get to know more about him

here and on LinkedIn as well.

Do you want to know more about the project,

work with us

or make a special request?


Don't be shy.

Take his contacts and move on:

  • GM [Good Morning]
    It's how we greet each other quickly, at any time of day or night. Also available in the "GN" [Good Night] version.
  • Fren
    Friend, partner. May mean "outsider" at times. This is short for "friend". Hence the origin of Rio Frenz: "Amigos do Rio."
  • Valhalla | Goblin Town
    Valhalla is paradise, where Viking warriors eternally celebrate with Holders of Big NFTs. A successful place where everyone wants to reach one day. Goblin Town is "a place down there" where the Goblins live. Bad, dirty, a kind of purgatory or hell. Comes from "Down to goblin town", which indicates a strong downward trend in the market.
  • Metaverse | meatspace
    METAVERSE it's a digital world where people can interact with other people and realities, like in a video game. Sometimes confused with the NFT world itself, but they are not the same thing. An NFT project may or may not be destined for the Metaverse. MEATSPACE It's the world of flesh and blood. The real universe full of bureaucracy and problems. "I hit the car today..." "The property tax bill has arrived..." This is all Meatspace stuff.
  • DYOR | KYC
    DYOR comes from "Do your own research". It is one of the most important concepts in a terrain where everything is new and ebullient, like Web 3.0. Perhaps one of the most repeated expressions in the entire community. KYC stands for "Know your Customer". Know your audience. They also indicate those annoying customer profile entries that we need to fill in when opening an account on any platform.
  • Generative Art | Pixel Art among others...
    Generative Art is the one where each NFT is generated automatically by random combinations of various elements and characteristics [TRAITs]. Example: The artist draws for his characters 30 types of hair, 20 types of smiles, 50 types of eyes. Then these elements are "blended" randomly on the computer, generating thousands of different characters from these combinations. Pixel Art draws characters from pixels like in video games of old. It became popular because of Crypto Punks: A Blue Chip collection of NFTs that were given away for free to the community on its release and today they are worth millions each.
  • deu Soldas
    "Sold Out!" Vendas esgotadas. Sucesso total.
  • Alfaçar
    Comprar e vendem rapidamente seus ativos, mesmo com lucro mínimo ou até prejuízo. Alo contrário dos "Diamond Hands", os Mãos de Alface afaçam".
  • McDonalds
    This is where you'll need to make a living if everything goes wrong. It usually means "rock bottom" or "total ruin".
  • FIAT
    These are Fiduciary Currencies. Those from the physical world like Dollar, Real or Euro.
  • to APE in
    Boarding headfirst. Investing in a project because you believe it has great growth potential. It originates from the Bored Apes, the grumpy monkeys who represent incredible success, being the most successful NFT franchise in the world so far.
  • to SHILL
    Self-promote. Take advantage of a meeting to sell your stuff, when the theme of the occasion has nothing to do with it. This is common in the world of [normal] normies, but never do that in a Web 3.0 community.
    FOMO stands for "Fear o Missing Out". That fear of not buying now and watch the price skyrocket to the moon right away, getting the feeling that "I missed the tram". COPE is the opposite of FOMO. Don't be afraid to miss the opportunity, and seek to act rationally ignoring the hype. FUD stands for "Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt". Everything that unleashes the terror on the market and leaves everyone with "beards to soak". It's a feeling that destroys the market once it sets in.
  • IRL [In Real Life]
    In real life, in the physical world. Everything that is outside the virtual world.
  • LFG [Lets F#cking Go!]
    Well.... it means what it means.
    Although they are complicated acronyms, they are widely used by everyone. We All Gonna Make It" is an expression of encouragement: You can trust that we will all make it". "Never Gonna Make It" is its opposite.
  • Probably Nothing
    It means the opposite: "Probably Something". In Rio we would say "There's a lump in this angu" or "There's a dog in this bush".
  • Bullish | Bearish
    Bullish means optimism, very excited about something. Originated from "Bull" who throws everyone into the air with his head attack. Bearish is its opposite: Pessimism and defeat in the face of a difficult scenario. It comes from the "Bear", who knocks everyone to the ground with the force of his kicks.
  • Wen Lambo? | To the Moon!
    Wen Lambo comes from "When comes the Lamborghini?" "When do you start getting rich?" The verb "to Lambo" also means to be very successful, give a lot of money. To the Moon means "towards the moon! Towards success. Also used as a verb "to moon": "This will moon." means means this will make a lot of success".
    Laundering money. Maintain artificial, unrealistically high prices for not very lawful purposes.
  • HODL
    HODL originates from HOLD, only mistyped. The term became famous because of a post by a Bitcoin investor, there in the Jurassic period. Then it took over the world with a new meaning: "Hold On for Dear Life". In practice, it means BUY TO STORE.
  • NFT | Fungible and Non-Fungible Tolkens.
    TOKENS are codes with a unique meaning within a computerized system. In real life, your Social Security number is a code [TOKEN] which means YOU to the US Government. A $10 bill is a piece of paper [TOKEN] which is worth 10 reais when issued by the Coin House. FUNGIBLE TOKENS means something that can be added or divided, like CRYPTOCURRENCY and $10 bills. NON-FINGIBLE TOKENS means something that CANNOT be split or merged, like your Social Security number. Artworks are unique. [NON FUNGIBLE] Therefore, NFTs [NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS] are codes used to represent works of art, flight tickets and "ID cards'' on the Blockchain. Unique and indivisible.
  • Floor [Floor Price] and other indicators.
    This is the base price at which an NFT is currently being counted. Markets typically display 5 key indicators about NFT collections: ITEMS: The number of NFTs available in the collection. OWNERS: Number of "Holders" [buyers] who own NFTs from this collection. TOTAL VOLUME: Cash volume handled by the collection so far. FLOOR PRICE: Base price of NFTs in the collection at the moment. BEST OFFER: Highest amount ever paid for an NFT from this collection.
  • Drop | airdrop
    DROP is when an NFT is offered to the market, when a collection is listed for sale. AIRDROP is when "NFTs fall from the sky". =D A Marketing Strategy, where NFTs are distributed for free to generate awareness of the collection. (You wake up and an NFT appears on your account, without paying anything. You can keep or sell, it's yours.) Airdrops are very common, but should be handled with care as some are used as "Trojan Horses": NFTs appear in your [WALLET] account, but instead of artwork, they carry "one-hit codes" inside. When opened, they tell the thieves about you and grant access to your accounts, steal everything later. So, you already know: Check the origin of the project before opening an Airdrop in your wallet.
  • Whitelist | Whitepaper
    Similar names, but with completely different meanings: WHITELIST it is a type of “VIP access” where only registered people (wallets) have access to advance sale of a lot of NFTs. People goe crazy aroynd it, as a VIP access card to a vernissage of conventional art galleries. WHITEPAPER is a document that describes a project/business in detail. This format is standard in the world of Startups: Rules, concepts, terms of use, all relevant technical terms carefully described, no advertising edits, in black letters on "white paper".
  • DAO [Decentralized Autonomous Organization]
    DECENTRALIZED AUTONOMOUS ORGANIZATIONS are companies, platforms and businesses without a central “government” or “command”. They are operated autonomously by computers, via rules recorded in 'Smart Contracts'. Bitcoin and Etherium are Decentralized Command Blockchains. Its rules on issuance and quotation are registered and operated by digital programs, doesn't have a "Ministry of Economy" or Government behind it. Today there are already social networks, radio stations and financial brokers operating in this modality.
    DOXX is a term that indicates absolute transparency. In the Crypto world, it is common for people to have "secret identities" like super heroes. Various founders of famous projects, artists and influencers are notoriously known by their names and digital avatars, but remain totally anonymous IRL [in real life]. This protects them from criminals, but it can generate doubts and distrust in some cases. To DOXX something" is to reveal everything to the world. It is seen as a transparency initiative to inspire trust in people. Concept that gains importance when it comes to investing heavily in a project.
  • Smart Wallet | Digital Wallets
    We call it a "wallet", but in practice it's a mix of "Bank ACCOUNT and SAFE", all in one. An account where they are stored all the money you own [CRYPTOCURRENCY], all your NFTs and every transaction you've ever made in your crypto life. Your content is public, because of the principle of TRANSPARENCY of Web 3.0. So it is not possible to lie about the values practiced in NFT transactions, everything is public ensuring clarity in the processes never seen in the traditional art market. On the other hand, this carries risks as well. Once someone "steals" the access codes (passwords) from your wallet, you can enter there to reset your account. This type of scam happens every day. But there are also new features to protect yourself in this world. A very efficient feature is the PHYSICAL ELECTRONIC WALLETS [HARD WALLETS], where access to your Smart Wallet is encrypted on a physical chip, outside the network. Transactions can only be performed when you connect the physical wallet to your online account.
  • Smart Contracts
    In essence, they are blocks of programming code that perform digital operations on the platform. When we press the button to 'buy' an NFT, it's a smart contract that makes the financial transaction and transfers the work to its buyer. In practice, they are like the Blockchain's unit of operation. They can count all the rules, processes and functions of a company as its bylaws or articles of association do in real life, for example. The language used in Smart Contracts today is SOLIDITY.
  • FIDUCIARY Currencies
    These are the currencies of the physical world such as Dollar, Euro and Real. Different from Cryptocurrencies that operate in the Blockchain environment as Bitcoin, Ether (from Etherium), Tez (from Tezos) and Sol (from Solana).
  • to STAKE
    Widely used in the crypto world. This is when you leave your NFT (or money in Cryptocurrencies) standing still to appreciate. Assets in STAKE cannot be moved or traded, and in exchange their owners [HOLDERS] receive income, benefits and premiums, in agreement with the Stake provider.
  • Activity Pub
    It's a kind of STANDARD PROTOCOL that allows communication between different platforms. Something that is in the plans of decentralized organizations. In practice, if this protocol were active in WEB 2.0, you could comment on a Twitter post with your Instagram friends. Instead of being isolated as single properties, the networks would communicate with each other, as in a large global community.
  • February
    In Web 3.0, there is a concept of FEDERATION, which are groups formed by users of a platform, your content creators, or organizers. FEDIVERSE is a kind of "universe" formed by these federations together, regulating a platform and making the important decisions. If You Tube were a FEDIVERSE, for example, decisions about monetization, algorithm and content restrictions would be taken over by the community of YouTubers and users, and not by a central direction belonging to Google.
  • Primary & Secondary Sales
    This term originates from the traditional art market. PRIMARY purchase happens when you buy NFT directly from its creator at MINTING SEASON [launch season, or 'coinage' of NFT on Blockchain]. SECONDARY purchase occurs when you miss a MINTING SEASON and purchase the NFT from third parties who previously purchased them.
  • to FARM or MINING
    MINING is the digital process that records transactions on a Blockchain. In this universe, processing is done in thousands of computers around the world, not on a central computer. And people get paid for making their computers available for this kind of work.
  • rug pull
    To cheat someone. The most common Rug Pull is launch a project, sell everything making a thousand promises and then abandon everything disappearing with the money. Just like what happens sometimes out there in the real estate market, when real estate is sold off the plant and the scammers disappear with the money leaving everyone else in the lurch. .
  • 1:1 or 1/1 of 10,000
    It is a term that identifies a work in your NFT collection. 1:1 print runs indicate that they are unique works. There is only one in the collection and nothing else, with an oil painting, for example. Print runs 1/1 of 10,000 these are unique works, but they belong to a collection of 10 thousand works. If someone were to paint a series of oil canvases with the 78 tarot cards, the MAGICIAN (tarot card #01) would be identified as 1/1 of 78. When print runs include multiple copies of the same work, as with traditional engravings, this is indicated in the first number before the slash. See the example: 3/1 of 78 indicates that this is the 3rd copy of the 1st work in a series of 78.
  • Delist or Hiding
    REMOVE an NFT from the sales platform. Usually occurs to value the work, but it may happen for a variety of reasons.
  • IPFS [InterPlanetary File System]
    Speaking complicated, is a “Content Based Addressing” data architecture system, that locates files by their CONTENT and not by the LOCATION where they are hosted. You use IDENTITY instead of ADDRESS to find the file. This system distributes and stores the information into decentralized chunks (like Bit Torrent Seeds). So if a data center goes down, you don't lose the data because it is “spread out” in a thousand copies on the network. Simply speaking is a system that breaks each piece of information into several pieces and distributes multiple copies to various computers around the world. So, if a computer has a problem, you don't lose information because there are backup copies everywhere. This system is used to store NFTs and their characteristics (TRAITS) in order to guarantee its permanence and inviolability of the record.
  • ERC-721 and ERC-20
    ERC-721: is a programming STANDARD for Tokens on the Etherium Blockchain (the most used for NFT transactions today). This pattern is used for NFTs [Non-Fungible Tokens] only. Fungible Tokens, like cryptocurrencies, use the ERC-20 standard. See also what are Fungibles and Non-Fungibles just above, here in our NFT Glossary.
  • DEFI [Decentralized Finance]
    These are DECENTRALIZED PROTOCOLS for FINANCIAL OPERATIONS. They promise a real revolution in the financial system, because with them financial operations are carried out directly between users and their providers, through computerized systems. In practice, these protocols "eliminate" intermediaries in financial operations. (Banks, brokers etc) Just like the arrival of MP3 "eliminated" [INTERMEDIARY] record labels allowing the public to purchase songs directly from the artists, DEFIs may wipe out the intermediary of Banks allowing a user to take out a loan directly with an investor who has the money to start a business. We underlined "eliminate" because it is perhaps too radical a term. In practice, the market tends to adapt to new realities. Just like Spotfy and Deezer, selling monthly subscriptions and paying artists as their music is heard, other innovative players must take their place new empty places in the financial world too. (And the sharks that today invest in banks possibly they will be together in this new endeavor, because this is capitalism, baby".)
  • normies
    These are the “Outsiders”, Normal" people outside the NFT world. We were all Normies at one time.
  • holders
    They are the owners of NFTs. Collectors, people who own works of art or cryptocurrencies. HOLDERS form the COMMUNITY of an NFT collection, the most important core of every Web 3.0 project or organization.
  • Right Clickers
    These are those who think this "buying digital art" thing is complete nonsense, since I can "right click and save all" without having to pay anything. People who don't understand the concept of digital scarcity and intellectual property which underpins the digital art market and NFTs. Sometimes they organize themselves into groups of Haters as in the "GOD HATES NFTS" movement.
  • alpha
    A select group of Top Holders. “Alpha-ing” is having access to privileged information, from insiders in the market. Everyone wants to be part of the Alpha Group to know first which projects will succeed and which will fail, and better decide what to do with your investments.
  • blue chips
    These are projects and NFT Brands that have reached the "Highlander" level in notoriety. The term "blue chip" comes from the traditional art market. An NFT Blue Chip can cost millions and are the most coveted on the market.
  • Diamond Hands
    Diamond Hands are Holders who stay with the NFT for a long time, to earn high profits. Unlike the "Flippers", the "Diamonds" are adept of long-term investing.
  • Flippers or Paper Hands
    They are the opposite of Diamond Hands. People who are adept at the financial speculation market. They buy NFTs and then sell them at higher prices running profits as soon as possible. Have no significant appreciation for the art or concept of the project itself, only focus on immediate profit. They are soooo common in the market. Too many can be dangerous for an NFT project, as they respond very promptly to any market volatility. If many NFTs in your collection are in the hands of Flippers, they can sell everything at the slightest sign of a drop in their market price, dropping the value of his works overnight.
  • Noodle Fingers | Degen [Degenerates]
    Take the concept of "Flipper" [people who buy NFTs to sell right away at the highest possible profit.] and multiply by 10. You have the definition of a "Noodle Fingers". They are "flippers" that buy and sell with extreme speed, even at a loss at times.
  • OGs [Old Guys]
    They are the Friends of the First Hour. The people who believe and have been with a project since the beginning. Very used to identify the guys who believed in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies when it was just a legend and today are market references.
  • Noob | plebs
    The beginners in the NFT market. With little experience they are known for doing a lot of nonsense or fall for any sharp talk about easy profits.
  • bad eggs
    ROTTEN EGGS are equivalent to "BAD APPLES" in Brazil. People with bad habits or degenerate practices that contaminate a group or even the entire market, putting everything at risk.
  • skimmers
    They are SCAMMERS and THIEVES of all kinds that operate in the market.
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