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"Bitch Guy" Community

Updated: May 13

When the NFTs imitate real life.



  • A love story with the Bitch Guy.

  • Web3 Communities are often just Customer Profiles with a fancy names.

  • How can we build a Real Community?


"Never give 'im your heart, or you will suffer."

Everybody knows it, but a real Bitch Guy has his

magical powers in the art of seduction.

He finds you on Tinder [OpenSea] or the friend's group [Discord], whatever.

He comes in really hard, with those beautiful blue eyes [bitcoins] and the cheesy pickup lines:

"Hey! You come up always here?"

From then on, it's a losing battle…

"Wow, you're amazing! I like it so much!

Hey, I'm gonna invest in you.

I believe in our potential!

I'm loving it [Bulish], it will be pretty!"

A naughty kiss [mint] seals the alliance.

He introduces you to his friends [Twitter] and makes you feel important

while (at your expense) valuing his pass itself in the market.

"Great! Great! I'm gonna bring you to the Moon!

Yes, it will be amazing! [WAGMI].

That's it! Let’s f#cking go!"

Well... Sooner or later it ends up going more to f#cking than to go,

but you know how we get when we want to deceive ourselves. 🥰

The result everyone already knows.

After the frenzy of the first encounters,

it's normal to cool down in the relationship [Solana].

Light stuff, happens in the best relationships. Right?

Not here.

The next dark night [Bear] he trades you for 2 hot girls, 20 years old.

(Actually, for two of 0.0000020 ETH. But we'll skip that part in the name of what you have left of dignity.)

You find it out when the bed [wallet] dawns empty and the heart hurt.

As a consolation, u have a message on WhatsApp [DM]:

"Bye, baby. It was awesome!

Don't call me.

We see each other when u light up on trends again!”

As the cheap saying goes,

Summer [OpenSea] love dies on the beach [Magic Eden].

Is this what we call Community?

Web3 Creator is a heart needy. They jump at every opportunity for acceptance and success.

It is an important gift to get energy for cleaning the thorny land of the 3rd Web Revolution's birthplace.

But like all narcotics, it should be appreciated in moderation.

Community is something driven by passion, by a sense of belonging.

But what happens in the NFT ecosystem has been different many times,

although we call it by the same name.

If a "community" is only driven by the opportunity to make a quick profit on the next bull run,

maybe it's just a "target customer group" with a fancy name.

Honestly, if there aren't so many communities, in fact, it's because, YES, that's not something easy to achieve.

Finding ways to do this is a challenge (and privilege) that we share at this time when history is being written:

  • What feeling exists in the heart of a group of people, to the point of making them unite in a community?

  • What themes, issues, and causes live in his heart, waiting only for the ideal opportunity to win the world together with the strength of the community?

  • What expressions, habits, and culture can make them feel unique? Belonging to a valuable brotherhood like no other?

A Flamengo's Supporter never leaves the mantle for a sequence of 10 defeats.

To Supporters of Vasco, "vice" are all who landed after the "Cruz de Malta" in terra brasilis.

If Botafogo's Supporters are called "suffers", that only makes each conquest even more valuable.

And any real "Tricolor" (Supporters of Fluminense Club) is proud to be the birthplace of football. The first Brazilian institution in the sport, the beginning of every ball that rolls on the field today.

Would they be a good example, open to our eyes?

Web3 communities are a disruptive maturation of the relationship between what we now call "product and user". These terms, by the way, seem to be out of date.

We need to RELEARN how to build this type of relationship,

now with massive doses of HEART. ❤️

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