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Achetypes on Web3.0

Updated: Mar 12

How do they live, where do they come from and how do they feed in the new age of the internet?

web3 profile archetype Carl Jung

images: midjourney


  • The 12 archetypes of human personality codified by Carl Gustav Jung and how they manifest themselves in the Brazilian Web3.


Instinctively, we've got these 12 patterns that shape our behavior. They're called thought ARCHETYPES and were set up about 100 years ago by a cool disciple of Freud named Carl Jung.

I've always used these concepts in crafting brands that truly "connect" with their audience, but this week they helped create the 5 original characters for Rio Frenz, and you guys have no clue how intriguing that is! When you take on each archetype, it's like the character just gains shape and life almost spontaneously right in front of us. We just gotta "write" it.

About these characters, we're gonna get to know them throughout the week. But before that, I decided to drop a quick summary of the 12 archetypes and how they've been showing up in Web3 during my time here – all on the house.

Which one's a cool match for you? What are your superpowers and kryptonites?

Let's check it out! 👊🏼


This is the guy who likes "the right things in their proper places", valuing social rules and concepts. As he is averse to change, the people on Web3 twist their noses at him. But it's more present than you think. This profile is very good for talking about Web3 with "ordinary people", from outside our universe. After all, he understands their hearts. It is also useful as a support brake, bringing points of view from outside our bubble.

Wait a bit, guys! Let's organize things better! What's the use of self-custody, if we can lose everything in a scam at any time?

On the other hand, it is also a "handbrake" that prevents the advance when poorly applied.

New cryptocurrencies? Bullshit! Only the original is legitimate.

When someone appeals to traditions to talk to you, they are keeping an eye on the Everyman that exists in you.



For the Ruler, power is not everything. But that's what matters. He needs to put an important bank and take control of the situation because he knows how to make everything work out. It is one of the most common profiles on Web3 networks, especially among aplha callers, whales and leaders of profit-oriented communities. They are valuable for mobilizing groups, ordering spirits and overcoming obstacles.

There are no obstacles that we can't overcome! Come on, you can!
Come along and I'll show you the way.

The complicated side of the thing is that there is no vacancy for two on a throne. So don't expect to grow up next to a ruler unless you always stay in your shadow.

Look how I make 10k in the blink of an eye!
I'm sorry, but there is no community like ours. Based on your will, I decide the direction of the community. We are amazing!

Although the Bored Apes are built on the Rebel archetype, when you put a half-million jumpsuit in your PFP, it is the ruler in you who is putting the cards on the table.



The Lover is the one who is realized through the other. Engaging and captivating, they are one of the most charismatic figures we can meet, bringing that "good temp" to everything they touch. In practice, for the Lover life is a sea of collabs where "I realize my dreams through you". For the collective mobilization of Web3, this is gold:

Talk to me, beautiful people! GM GM to these wonderful people! Say it back! Say it back!"

Things get complicated when the Lover seduces people to get from them what he wants, as in the arts of conquest. Is that crazy? No. It happens every day.

You are wonderful! I've never seen so many lovely people as I have here. Buy this NFT now and let's show the world how amazing we are!

If you're a lover, roll up your sleeves! This power of mobilization brings a special color to our ecosystem. On the other hand, if someone arrives full of compliments as if you were "ready for slaughter", pay attention! You may be in the hands of a seducer.



The Wise is the one who seeks the truth and wants proof of it. Knowledge alone, it's useless. It's important to find the meaning that exists between things. On Web3 they exist a lot! Aficionados for data, they have fun in the sea of statistics, asymmetries and probabilities of blockchain technology, thus being the perfect figure for us to ask for advice and guidance.

Do you see this behavior in today's chart? Don't worry, it has happened in the past, and it should be repeated now. I'll show you why!

When he dives too much into statistics, the Wise tends to confuse more than explain. It makes it difficult for things to progress due to the excess of theorems. We don't see so many people like that because the Wise, when in this mode, tend to become reclusive and even arrogant. But they exist and may need our help.

You see, we're amazing... But the world is not prepared for that.

When someone opens a chart on Twitter or You Tube, showing us how to escape the traps and find new positive asymmetries of the market, there is a Sage talking to us there.



While the Wise requires data, the Magician takes care of all certainty that he dispenses with evidence. It's the one who looks inside and talks to our state of mind. It often appears in the philosophical scope of Web3 involved with self-knowledge and the social transformations that this cultural revolution promotes.

Asset self-costing is not for everyone. People have the right not to participate in this, just as you have the right to choose coffee with or without sugar in the morning. For every choice, a waiver.

As his power of connection is very strong, the Magician is also able to create fantasies and impose values with public manipulation. Especially among emotionally vulnerable people.

I wake up every day at 5 a.m. and don't eat gluten. So I became a high-performance person and you are missing the opportunity to do the same.

On Web3 we commonly see the logic of "Know yourself and get rich before 30", when the world icons of self-knowledge - like Amyr Klink - abandoned money and power saying: "Today I am rich like never before in life. I don't need almost anything to be happy!"



They are everywhere, but we see a lot of Explorer in DeFi projects and Web3 Devs. Adventurers, they like to step where others didn't go to find out what it's like. They saw night and adapt to any environment to achieve their goal: Innovation!

Who's in the build today? Web3 has no weekend!
We still don't know how to do it, but you'll find out!

They are very positive, that person we like to have around. But they give their slips sometimes too, either because of the lack of commitment in the long term - they easily get sick of things - or because of disrespect for the values of others.

That's it. It's an old man's thing! I went!

If you spend hours digging data or lines of code to find a way out of other people's problems, you are also an explorer.



It's the people who always see the half-full side of the glass, they face everything in the most positive way possible. I see many artists in this group.

With blockchain technology we will have a more egalitarian society, free from the oppression of the state.
The world will be enchanted by our art and beauty.

Not always able to perceive the "evilness of things" the Innocents are easily disappointed. Sometimes because falling for false promises, others because the world was not nice to them, they waited.

Guys, I fell for a scam!😱

In the land of scammers, the Innocents sound like easy prey. And they really are sometimes. But they inspire us to put aside the barriers of the world as it is, motivating us with everything we can be. Disney conquered the world by playing this role in our lives.



The Outlaw is the guy who puts the world in his hands and tells you: "Do you see this here? It's all wrong!" And they're usually right. On Web3 they appear a lot in the Degen and Defi universes, with their libertarian culture and averse to the shackles of the world.

Tell me who doesn't like money and I'll show you a liar!"
Do you want FREEDOM to try to convince me that your cage is more beautiful than mine? You wasted your time, man! Come by tomorrow!

In some literatures, the Rebel is called The Crazy. When they exaggerate the dose, they become mere agents of chaos and lead the movement to discredit.

I'm going to transfer all the income to Crypto, so I want to see justice force me to pay a fine! Cryyyyy Judge! You're lost, baby!

The Crypto environment is disruptive in many ways, attracting many rebels to the ecosystem. No wonder so many collections with this archetype have become blue chips like the Apes, CryptoPunks and Goblins. If you are one of them, make good use of this superpower. Measure the dose between the poison and the medicine well.



The Caregiver exists to protect the world from evil - whatever that meant. As it is only fine when everyone is well, it is the most selfless profile and really committed to collaborating. Therefore, it commonly connects to Web3 by the motto of communities and decentralization.

Guys, the community is feeling abandoned. You have to see that! You can't let shave in a vacuum like that!
I fight for our ecosystem. These guys here are worth gold!

Attached, the Caregiver is like a mother: He is jealous and no one can speak ill of his offspring. That's why it takes a lot of things personally and doesn't go well with criticism of the ecosystem.

It's not like that. People say these things because they don't know Web3.
What were you doing in their community yesterday? I'm just eating you, huh!

So, now you know: Where there is a Caregiver has attention to everyone. But don't expect him to see things with the eyes of reason. These people are pure hearts!



With an eye on glory and public recognition, the Hero's business is to WIN. They have the courage to face the risks and bear the consequences of their decisions. On Web3 we see this profile very linked to Aplha Callers and Degens. We often recognize a Hero because they make a point of posting everything with that winner's bank on Twitter or Instagram - "What's the use of a trophy if there's no one to clap for it?".

The world has its problems and it won't change. Face the difficulties with courage and take the risks. When you win, they will have said it was luck.

Too focused on the result and his personal performance, the hero can reduce the world to the sphere in which he lives, ignoring the real dimension of things. When this happens, he can build a pedestal for himself, detaching himself from reality.

"Everything that happens in your life is your fault. Take on the mistakes, overcome and be a winner!"

Say this to a 7-year-old child who never had the full staff of teachers at school and was still paraplegic in the war between police and trafficking in the favela.

The image of the Hero is very worshiped in Instagramable life, because it yields a lot of likes. With this we see a lot of people with burnout trying to play the fake hero out there.



The Comedian is the relief of stress and tension. In a good mood, he manages to transit through the most thorny terrain, pointing out the problems and insinuating solutions without people being offended by it. Native to Web3, this profile dominates the world with memes! A meme calls you lazy, greedy, boring, it's all true and we love it!

meme perfil web3
meme perfil web3

Although undervalued in the financial reports of the crypto world, this is one of the most important profiles in the formation of Web3 culture. When he misses the dose, however, he ends up falling into disrepute or buying a fight for nothing.



Here it seems that we are talking about an artist. But they are not only theirs: The Creator is the one who needs to leave a legacy to the world! On Web3 they focus on the arts and in several positions in the product sector, because they work like those who are building History.

The blockchain is like a blank canvas. Everything can come from there. Our creativity is the limit!
Web3 is a creative playground, where we can experiment with formats and media expanded the limits of human expression.

The master spring of this cultural revolution, the creators are passionate about the process but commonly deal badly with money. They dramatize the work scenario with their philosophical dilemmas creating huge barriers between work and financial reward. With this they are commonly exploited by rulers, seducers and magicians committed to getting rich at their expense. Web3 came up with the promise to finally bring the creator the recognition it deserves. This was also one of the first promises to be broken, when the war for profit decimated the royalties. But the end of this story is yet to be written.


Cartoons for the Web3 Culture

This was a summary of the personas that populate Web3. And based on these profiles, we created the original characters of Rio Frenz. Five figures who will live our dilemmas, have fun, and with whom we will learn in the first line of "cartoons for the Web3 culture" created in Brazil for the whole world. Are you curious? We are sooo excited! 🤩 This week we have completed your CHARACTER BRIEFINGS, we will present each one of them to you. Check it out and come with us because it will be beautiful!


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