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What is the Web3 Bubble?

Updated: Aug 31, 2023

With exclusive tips on how to make things even worse.

web3 bubble

image: midjourney

  • 10 points of conflict where people from inside and outside the Web3 bubble have opposing viewpoints;

  • 10 tips on how to make life more complicated because of it;

 WARNING: This content is based on real facts, but any resemblance to your life will have been purely coincidental. I swear!

It's no use, we just don't understand each other...

The bubble has taken over Web3, dividing the world between its true natives and us mere humans – more mere than human, to be frank.

Like all of life's problems, this is all someone else's fault, and to prevent you from looking like a fool by sending the wrong message, we've outlined 10 points where both sides don't see eye to eye, along with some golden tips on how to further complicate things.

WEB 3.0

For the Web3 Bubble: The new Digital Revolution is supposed to lead us to a fairer society through Ownership Economy and Decentralized Management.

For Common Folks: "Huh?"

👹 Evil Seedling: Common folks are dumbed. See? Go on Instagram and tell them that.


For the Web3 Bubble: More than just a Good Morning, it's about telling everyone you're happy in a way the rest of the planet doesn't know how to be. Which makes me, of course, very important.

For Common Folks: It's General Motors.

👹 Evil Seedling: See? Dumb! I told you! All dumb.


For the Web3 Bubble: They're my cup of tea and the perfect excuse to shove Web3 into everything. They're the future!

For Common Folks: Pyramid scheme, the end of civilization. Stuff for those who never had a childhood and pay microtransactions on social media for sticker profile pictures.

👹 Evil Seedling: Show these regular folks how many times they embarrass themselves on Instagram by posting food pictures or suffering at the gym to get a reasonably decent butt. Only then will they accept reality and the NFT future #onboarding.


For the Web3 Bubble: It's the headquarters of the cult where we discuss daily how we're going to take over the world. The only platform with the legitimacy to house genuine Web3. The more isolated, the more legitimate it becomes.

For Common Folks: That weird social media where people fight about politics and turned into a mess since Elon Musk bought it.

👹 Evil Seedling: Keep sticking to Twitter and kiss Musk's ass for engagement. Trash any other platform that pops up, after all, regular folks need to come to us if we want to change the world for real. But slap a .lens on your profile because it's cool. Lens is allowed.


For the Web3 Bubble: That weird social media where people fight over ego and turned into a Megazord since Mark Zuckerberg bought it.

For Common Folks: It's a social obligation that divides the world between those who exist and those who don't. (That's why Web3 doesn't exist, get it? 😜)

👹 Evil Seedling: Who cares if Instagram has 1 billion people? Web3 doesn't even need them... we can change the world with the other 6 billion left. What? Half of them don't even have internet access? Oh... that's not real, dude. It's communist talk. Nowadays, everyone is connected to the internet, and one day, everyone will be on Twitter.


For the Web3 Bubble: An inviolable asset of every citizen, corrupted by Big Corporations, the power of the State, and the Mainstream Media. All Soviet Union's fault.

For Common Folks: It's nonsense I give up for good daily doses of dopamine. Sell me to the whole world! Use me, I'm easy-peasy! #PleasureWithoutGuilt

👹 Evil Seedling: That's why there are rich kids wanting to centralize our entire life in one app and plenty of cool people applauding... This world is lost.


For the Web3 Bubble: It's a symbol of freedom and a decentralized economy. The global village free from state oppression.

For Common Folks: It means all cryptocurrencies (it's all the same thing) and stuff for criminals, kidnappers, and pharaohs.

👹 Evil Seedling: Blame the Mainstream Media. If the bad guys are smarter than you, I can't do anything.


For the Web3 Bubble: It's a fundamental pillar of financial independence. In the future, everyone in the world will have custody of their assets in their own hands, not in the hands of banks, brokers, or centralized governments.

For Common Folks: Well, I've moved from savings to fixed deposits, and it's pretty good... I let the bank exploit me at will so I don't have to bother my head with this.

👹 Evil Seedling: You know what? Give up... They'll never understand that I know what's best for them.


For the Web3 Bubble: It's the natural evolution of the financial system, for a life free from banks.

For Common Folks: Yeah, right...

👹 Evil Seedling: : What's wrong? Are you a bank defender now? Do you like them? Go to Cuba!


For the Web3 Bubble: It's the right to take control of what belongs to you, even if a little mistake could make you lose everything.

For Common Folks: It's the ability to let go of some important things to preserve others.

👼🏻 Guardian Angel: It's normal to connect with like-minded people, especially in a scenario with many obstacles.

When it groups you, it strengthens you.

When it isolates you, it weakens you.

Things start to change when you try looking at the other side of the bubble and ask yourself:

"Why might they be right in disagreeing with me?"

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